Classic Star Wars

Keeping it Classic since 1977

Kenner Imperial Troop Transporter

Kenner Imperial Troop Transport

carries up to nine of figures [1] – [5]–not included, sold above. Button activates six electronic sounds, including engine, laser battle, Storm Trooper and C-3PO voices. R2-D2 beeps. Laser gun dome and radar dish rotate. Front and rear hatches open. On the sides are six cell units to hold prisoners–2 immobilization hoods fit over their heads to “brainwash” them. Plastic. 5x5x13 in. long. Uses one “C” battery–not included, sold on page 502. Figures shown not included. For ages 4 and up.

Both boxed versions below with Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back logos

This toy came with a story of this vehicle since it was not in the movies. Images below

boxfront trans-box2 trans-box3 trans-box4itt-variation






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